The Poetry Vlog: Critical Edition
Forthcoming from University of Michigan Press, Fulcrum
The Poetry Vlog, also known as "TPV" is a teaching YouTube Channel and Podcast dedicated to building social justice coalitions through arts, scholarship, and higher education dialogues. The project collaborations make evident the lived experiences of poets and scholars while sustaining both the amplification and archive of shared resources. Guests range from Pulitzer Poet Jericho Brown to C. R.'s own students. The forthcoming "Critical Edition" will be a peer-reviewed, mixed media eBook that features seven new episodes. Each episode will be accompanied by scholarly framings that translate the content into cultural and literary studies fields. Each episode and framing will also feature two sample lesson plans co-authored with Dr. Molly Ubbesen (University of Minnesota, Rochester) to help support classroom use. The book project publiation is anticipated for 2024-2025.